We all know the classic example of the 30-something living in mom & dad’s basement and working at the local pizza parlor, or the 28-year old college drop-out who’s thrown in the towel on the prospect of education and success. We call it Failure-to-Launch Syndrome, and it is a surprisingly common condition we see, of which is most often seen among those having been raised in more affluent households.

What causes this? Is it a matter of maturity of lack thereof? Is it simply a matter of being “stuck in life,” with no direction or answers? Is it maybe somehow related to a mental health condition like depression or bipolar disorder? The reality is that Failure-to-Launch Disorder is often times the culmination of several variables in life. One unique component however, is that many times these individuals were at one point driven in their lives, with goals and aspirations, yet for whatever reason they are now in a decade-long rut that has them still siphoning of others in their life, and it’s most often mom and dad!

Our approach to helping those struggling with Failure-to-Launch Syndrome is largely about creating a new reality, a reality that is built around the client’s persona, abilities and/or passions, yet while effectively integrating it all within the realms of responsibility, maturity, patience, recognizing opportunities and so much more. The Addictions Coach is entirely about long-term solutions and success, but we do it through a highly integrative process that has shown tremendous success among those we help.


Our team view each client individually, and are able to create a “Re-Launch” process tailored around his or her needs. From seemingly smaller successes to a whole new existence built as much on desire as it is on necessity, this can be an opportunity for growth like none other! The Failure to Launch Syndrome is most common in the young ‘millennial‘ population that craves meaning in life but lacks action. 


The Addictions Coach addresses many Failure-to-Launch related issues:

  • Inability to function on life’s terms

  • Examining any potential mental health issues that may be contributing

  • Addressing employment, including short and long-term goals & plans.

  • Working to uncover hidden goals, interests, etc

  • Setting new standards for the parents or otherwise the ones enabling the client

  • Addressing education, including short and long-term goals & plans

  • Providing additional life coaching and guidance through turbulent periods

  • Addressing any potential issues of drug addiction (marijuana and alcohol can sometimes be part of the equation in failure-to-launch scenarios)

  • Helping to work through any inter-family related matters or communication issues

Utilizing varied approaches depending on the client, such as motivational tactics, moderate confrontation, responsive therapies and so on.